Simple stretches to get you moving while at work

We recommend taking a three minute micro-break, starting every hour and eventually building up to every 30 minutes. During this short break, spend time doing two or three different exercises, with 40/50 repetitions of each. The exercises should be active or dynamic stretches with rhythmic movements that massage muscles and joints. The idea is to be slightly out of breath, increase your heart rate and get the oxygen pumping through your body.

Getting mobile in the office means you can work at combating stress at its source, rather than rushing to the gym at the end of the day to burn off the stress – too late, the damage has already been done by then!

We’ll be adding some short videos showing typical mobilization exercises, we’d love to see some of your exercises, send us a link!

A flexible work break timer like the Standup app available on iOS is a great way to remind you to change your position – so get moving and let us know how you get on!

Do you need help to get moving?  Our standing desks are the perfect solution.  Book your free trial online or call us now on 01603 490054.

Want to find out more about our desks and see our most creative projects? Follow us on Facebook and on Twitter at @FlomotionStudio.

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